After the biotransference the Nobles of Anapnut came to
realise what they had gotten themselves in to. With their minds mostly intact
the realisation hit them that they were to live out eternity in a metal shell, stripped
of what made them truly alive, their souls. The souls that were now being consumed by the C'tan, who had betrayed their trust in such a way that the wound would never heal.
Yet they, like the silent King they unquestionably followed, knew that they
could not possibly hope to defeat the C’tan, the false gods, when they were at
the height of their power. And certainly not before the Old Ones were
When the time came and the Silent King at least led the
Nercrons in revolt the Anapnut ships proved invaluable.
Allowing the huge energies weapons used to shatter the
C’tan to be moved and wielding with an ease other dynasties could not hope to
match. The conflict saw much of the Anapnut forces destroyed leaving them with
only a fragment of their former power.
By the time the Silent King ordered the great slumber all
that remained of the Anapnut forces were 12 out of the original 100 World
engine vessels and their supporting
fleets, one of which was Sekhmit, Phaeron Keksuhad Sekhrey’s great World
engine .
Each of these 12 ships along with their many support
craft came together in open space far away from any stellar body or the
projected path any would take over the next 60 million years.
The fleet then shut themselves down; sleeping until the
time of awakening comes and the Necrons would once again rise to power…….