Historical data point decryption in progress.......

The Anapnut dynasty is a rare thing amongst the many dynasties of the Necrons. They are an almost entirely ship based dynasty, the nobles choosing to rule from massive world engines more akin to metal moons than spaceships.  Each of these ships houses hundreds of thousands of Necrons and is commanded by an Overlord.  Each world engine is supported by a seemingly countless fleet of smaller craft ranging from smaller Dirge escorts to huge Tombships.  All of the Overlords answer to the Anapnut Phaeron Keksuhad Sekhrey. Keksuhad leads his forces from his supreme world engine known as Sekhmit.
The Anapnut dynasty has been a heavily shipped base society well before the biotransference that saw them transformed into the soulless metal beings they are today.
When the Necrontyr first took to the stars it was what would become the Anapnut dynasty that designed the torch-ships to carry them there, combining their knowledge of shipbuilding with that of stasis technology to allow vast distances to be travelled whilst the occupants slumbered.
When Necrontyr colonists started to occupy other worlds the shipwrights and crew never felt comfortable on the surface and so remained aboard their vessels, providing much needed trade and communication with other colonies. Many of these vessels came together forming a space faring society and thus the Anapnut dynasty was founded.

During the first war of secession, rather than fighting for control of planets and systems the Anapnut dynasty remained in space controlling their massive fleets. They raided regions for supplies when needed but due to not getting involved in any major conflict made it through relatively unscathed.
When the War in Heaven began the Anapnut dynasty like most dynasties answered the call from the Triarch and joined the fight against the Old Ones. Their skills as navigators and their massive fleets proving invaluable in the conflict.
By the time the Necrontyr were pushed back and the second iteration of the wars of secession came about the Anapnut dynasty was one of few remaining dynasties with any sort of noteworthy fleet. Making them key potential allies to other dynasties, a fact they didn’t fail to capitalise on. Offering assistance to those who offered them the most in return.  A situation that only helped exacerbate the massive fracturing of the Necrontyr dynasties.

Being such an old dynasty,  Anapnut was one of the first to be approached by the C’tan. What would later become apparent was that the C’tan looked to the Anapnut dynasty, along with the other more powerful dynasties, because they saw the greatest potential gain. A fact that went completely un-noted until it was already much too late….

The Anapnut leaders, and for the most part their people, saw the C’tan as the embodiment of their gods. This coupled with the hatred towards the Old Ones and the longing to destroy them saw that few resisted the offering of immortality, even after seeing the form in which it would take. Thus the major portion of the Anapnut peoples were willingly transferred to their metal shells, most not having enough of their mind left to ever regret that terrible decision once the transfer was complete......100111011011///1>>>

.....data corruption detected......repair in progress.